The first documentation found that mentions this lost Inn was in a deed dated 29th May, 1770. In it, George Councer of Bloxham in the County of Oxford sells to "Thomas Heath of Kenilworth" and “Joseph Betty of Kenilworth" property in the vicinity of The Square. The deed refers to “all that messuage or tenement with appurtenances situate lying and being in Kenilworth aforesaid heretofore used as an Inn and then called or known by the name or sign of the “George Inn”
Analysis of the rest of the deeds identifies the property as being divided at the time of sale three parts, occupied by Thomas Heath, William Smith and Samuel Steane. Resorting to a more or less contemporary plan kindly supplied by Steven Wallsgrove, it shows that this property must be in the vicinity marked on the accompanying plan as "G".
The deed also refers to the sale of land near Glasshouse Woods

The george Inn


Last Modified 07-12-2015